Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pre-Shobbos Ruach

First is a clip of Shivi Keller singing a beautiful nigun that I have never heard before and cannot identify the words.  Anyone know what it is?
Second, likavod shobbos, is R' Yehuda Green singing R' Shlomo's Kiddush.  But this took place on purim a few years ago which makes it all the more powerful.  (Shkoyach to R' Yitzchak Chaim for initially pointing that out and for being mekadeish shobbos with this nigun, literally.)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

R' Yehuda Green Im Eshkachech

While we are on the R' Yehuda Green front, here is a great version of a beautiful song.  Is there a way to find out about these underground Melave Malkas before they happen?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Yehuda Green Yoidi and Havdalah

In honor of Motzash"k here are two nigunim from the Talmud Muvhak, R' Yehuda shlit"a.  If you aren't yet familiar with R' Yehuda's nigunim, it is kiday.  Shkoyach to Reb Dovi for the he'ara.
Shkoyach to all for making this blog successful, please spread the word!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ki Hirbeisa

The Velt should be familiar with Ki Hirbeisa.  Here is the song, sung by Avraham Fried, with the words.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some older R' Shmuel Brazil Nigunim

Here are great versions of some older R' Shmuel Brazil Nigunim with great harmony.

New R' Shmuel Brazil Nigunim

This is how the blog all started.


Welcome to Chashuveh Nigunim, "A place where Yidden from all of the daled kanfos shmuess about the deepest, the highest, and, of course, the most chashuv'eh niggunim."  Enough said.